Still in Progress: The Princess Build 2.0

Why yes, I do have a tiny tiara just lying around.

Huzzah! This blog is alive!

Considering my updates have been few and far in-between, and by that I mean I've only updated TWICE within the past year, this blog is going through a reboot of sorts. I've been considering going through a revamp for a while now, but I've been otherwise occupied with work, animes about tennis, musicals about tennis, and well, the prince of tennis. Encouraging words from my lovely Elaine-jiejie gave me that final push to restart this blog. That and now that I've found the charger for my camera, THERE IS NOTHING IN MY WAY! (Excuses, excuses.)

So, here it is. Welcome to The Princess Build 2.0! Isn't the new layout nice? The old one took ages to load, and not minimalist enough for my liking. It still needs a bit more pink though. Though my posts will still be mostly about cosmetics (I mean, where else is it socially acceptable to ramble on and on about make up?), I do intend to branch out and post about my other interests and more of my photography. Who knows, maybe I'll even post about stage musicals with people dancing around with tennis rackets.

Until next time!


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